Day Fifteen 01/15/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

My all time favorite flowers are geraniums. Mostly because I can keep them alive no matter how much neglect they receive. They almost never fail me. I love the red ones the best. I even like the shape and colors of their leaves.

On this 30 day challenge, I am painting all kinds of new subjects. I attempted to paint geraniums once before, but ended up throwing away ( and burning) the canvas. I will try again and promise to share my results no matter how they turn out.

Of course I may come back and tweek some of these paintings next month. I may bring them into my Art class and have my instructor critique them. Or not.


Day Sixteen 01/16/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge


Day Fourteen 01/14/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge