Day Fourteen 01/14/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"

Today's color for the Color Chart Project is Rembrandt's Cobalt Blue Light.  This is another color I picked because of Richard Schmid, as he used it in his color charts.  I've used Cobalt Blue many times but never the "Light" and never in the Rembrandt brand.  When I tested this color alongside my other Cobalt Blues, it won hands down!  Now it will be my go to color!!

Cobalt Blue Light is a semi-transparent neutral to warm blue, with a value of 3 (using the value scale where white is 10) and a chroma of about 10.  It is 3 plus on lightfastness, meaning it is a pigment that can withstand prolonged exposure to light.  The pigment is PB28 and it is a Series 5, which is the most expensive color Rembrandt makes, about $50.00 for a 40ml tube.  I have to buy this one when it goes on sale!! (Right now it is on sale for $35.66 at one art store and $28.53 at another.)

In doing today's charts, I took the Cobalt Blue Light (CB-L) and placed it by itself in the first top square.  I then tinted it by adding Titanium White for 4 additional values below this top square.
Next, in the second column, I mixed my Cobalt Blue Light (CB-L) with all my other individual colors in a ratio of 75% CBL and 25% of the next color, like Cerulean Blue (Ceru).  I then added white to this mixture for 4 additional values.  I did this with all my 21 colors.

I love the mixtures this Cobalt Blue Light made!  I love the soft paint and how brushable it is right out of the tube.  I am going to keep my eyes on the sales and stock up on this Rembrandt color!!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Day Fifteen 01/15/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"


Day Thirteen 01/13/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"