Day Six 01/06/17 "Thirty Paintings In Thirty Days"

Today my color is Cadmium Orange made by Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Color in France.  This is a cool to neutral opaque color with a value of 7 and a high intense chroma of 16.  The pigment or Color Index (C.I.) name is PO20. It has a Permanence Rating of A and is a Series 4. This means it is considered permanent, and it is expensive, about $25-30 for a small 37ml tube.

So in continuing to work on my Color Charts, I took this Cadmium Orange (CO) and placed it by itself in the first top square.  I then tinted it by adding Titanium White for 4 additional values below this top space.

Next, in the second column, I mixed my Cadmium Orange (CO) with all my other individual colors in a ratio of 75% Cadmium Orange (my dominant color) and 25% of the next color, like Cadmium Scarlet (CS).  I then added white to this mixture for 4 additional values. I did this with all my 21 colors.

It amazes and surprises me what colors I have created! Thank you for visiting my blog.  Comments are always welcome!

Day Seven 01/07/17 "Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days"


Day Five 01/05/17 "Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days"