Day Twenty Seven 01/27/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"

Back to Gina Brown's workshop in Columbus, Georgia.  Mary Pat King, a local artist, hosted us at The Wynn House.  It was such a beautiful place.  We had "coffee service" brought in to us every morning.  At lunchtime we were escorted to a beautiful dining room all set up for us.  The lunches they served each day were out of this world!!  The first day we had a quiche with a green salad topped by fresh fruits and nuts and their homemade rolls.  Then we were served a fabulous dessert.  I can't say enough about our accommodations!! Thank you so much Mary Pat King for doing all this for us!

I will include some pictures, but they probably will not do the setting justice.  It was just so special.  Here are the twelve ladies (Jeannie Puckett, Mary Pat King, Janice Williams, Edna Garrett, Carol Costello, Ethelyn Riley, Katherine Waddell, Vicky Bush, Pat Jones, Peggy Gray, Alice Douglas

and myself along with our special servers.)

After lunch, I painted my first "final" painting, and had time to finish the practice "40-stroke" painting.  I hope you like it.


Day Twenty Eight 01/28/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"


Day Twenty Six 01/26/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"