Day Three 01/03/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

The painting I painted today was taken very near where I live.  My husband and I were out on our kayaks one afternoon enjoying the end of a day. He had taken off in one direction to fish and I went to this area to take some pictures. I knew as soon as I saw this spot, I wanted to paint it. I painted it first on a 12x12 canvas at a workshop a couple of months ago.   I painted it again on a much larger canvas at my art class and today in my home studio on an 8x10. All three paintings are so different. I love that I remember everything about that day.  I hope it shows in my rendering.

Day Four 01/04/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge


Day Two 01/02/16. Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge