Day Four 01/04/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Today I painted a picture of a photograph I took while at Indian Pass. My sister and I were attending the 2015 Forgotten Coast Plein Air Event. It has been our tradition to go to this incredible event each year and make it our little vacation away from our hectic lives.
We were down on the beach enjoying the end of the day and reflecting on what we had experienced so far at the Event. Earlier in the day we were at Michele Byrne's demo on "How to Put People in your Paintings."  We were very interested in learning this and trying it out.
The sunset was beautiful that night. People were walking on the beach. We decided to try what we learned, so we started taking pictures. This is my attempt to put people in my paintings.


Day Five 01/05/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge


Day Three 01/03/16 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days Challenge