Day Eighteen 01/18/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"

Today's color for my Color Chart Project is Grumbacher Pretested Professional Oil Color Thalo Yellow Green.  This color has three pigments in it, Phthalo Green (PG 7), Hansa Yellow (PY 3) and Zinc White (PW 4).  This is something I learned while doing this project!

The Phthalo Green part is a transparent, cool, bright intense color, that is completely lightfast.  The Hansa Yellow is a transparent yellow with great brightness and tinting strength.  This makes a great glazing color and is very clean, so it makes clean secondary colors.  The Zinc White is a cool white with a slight bluish tint. It is permanent and lightfast.  Zinc White is slightly toxic if inhaled and moderately toxic if ingested.  However, this preparation contains a very small amount of zinc white and it considered nontoxic by the ACMI.  It is a Series 2 color, so is affordable.  Because of the Zinc White content, it is opaque.

In doing today's charts, I took the Thalo Yellow Green (ThYG) and placed it by itself in the first top square.  I then tinted it by adding Titanium White for 4 additional values below this top square.
Next, in the second column, I mixed the Thalo Yellow Green (ThYG) with all my other individual colors in a ratio of 75% ThYG and 25% of the next color, like Sap Green (Sap).  I then added white to this mixture for 4 additional values.  I did this with all my 21 colors.

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Day Nineteen 01/19/17 "Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days"


Day Seventeen 01/17/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"