Day Nineteen 01/19/17 "Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days"

Today's color for my Color Chart Project is Sap Green made by Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil  Colours in France.  It contains two pigments, Isoindolinone Yellow (PY 110) and Phthalo Blue (PB 15).  It has a value of 2 on the value scale where white is 10.  It has a chroma of 2.  It is transparent and it a Series 2 paint, making it affordable.  Because it has two pigments, it is considered an 'impure green." It is a deep dull yellow green.  It leans red, therefore it is my warm green.
It is useful for dark transparent under washes and, when mixed with Alizarin Crimson, it makes a beautiful dark.

In doing today's charts, I took the Sap Green and placed it by itself in the first top square.  I then tinted it by adding Titanium White for 4 additional values below this top square.
Next, in the second column, I mixed the Sap Green with all my other individual colors in a ratio of 75% Sap and 25% of the next color, like Olive Green (OG).  I then added white to this mixture for 4 additional values.  I did this with all my 21 colors.

I hope you are enjoying my project as much as I am.

Day Twenty 01/20/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"


Day Eighteen 01/18/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"